Power BI-Khoros Community Analytics
Analyze all your community data with our scalable and extensible Power BI solution app, available on Microsoft App Source. Power BI-Khoros Community Analytics allows you to quickly connect and analyze your Khoros community data using Power BI. Take advantage of deeply informative and compelling Power BI reports to analyze and gain deep insights from your community data.
ChaMa is an intelligent change management software built by change management professionals, for change management professionals. ChaMa elevates transformational change from the project to the organization or enterprise level and revolutionizes how companies drive and realize strategic change.
It is a highly flexible and adaptive tool that is compatible with any change management framework you use.

Questions? Contact our experts today.
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- San Francisco, California
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- Wichita, Kansas
- Hyderabad, India
- Krakow, Poland
- Guadalajara, Mexico
- London, UK
- Cork, Ireland